Huggies Pull-Ups Review #ByeByeDiapers

I was chosen by Influenster to try and review Huggies Pull-Ups Cool &Learn training pants. They arrived in a white box and our little guy was excited to see what was inside so I let him open it. When he saw the “diapers” he said “are those for me?” And I said “They sure are we are gonna say bye bye diapers”.

So that is just what we did. We set up the potty and showed him just what “big boys” did and he was super excited to do his job where he should and didn’t want o get his big boy pull up pants “dirty”. It has been a week and we are doing pretty good. The cool sensation that the pull-ups give is just enough to let him know that this is not something he likes and reminds him that the potty is the better place to go.

I am sure we will still have accidents but we are well on our way to saying #ByeByeDiapers once and for all!!! Thanks, Influenster!

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